A Remarkable Revelation: Son Inherits Father’s Vintage Vehicle, Discovers Enigmatic Note Urging Trunk Exploration
He Looked Up To Him
Throughout his life, Tommy has always considered his father to be a hero. There was never a time when he let him down, because he was kind and charming. As far as he was concerned, that would never change.
A tragic event would strike too soon, and he would lose his best friend as a result of his close relationship with his father.
Terrible News
Tommy’s father was his best friend. Even though he knew it was cliche, he always thought he could turn to him for anything he needed. He never stopped receiving support from his father.
Tommy got a call one day from his siblings. Suddenly, he heard the worst news he had ever heard – his father had passed away.
Bringing Them Together
With the news in hand, Tommy thought any pettiness between him and his brothers would fade away. In the midst of such tragedy, he hoped they would come together.
Tommy, however, only saw the best in his brothers. Until he saw them again, he didn’t know what they had planned for him.
Rushing Home
Immediately, they asked him to return home. Their father requested that they live on his property.
As soon as Tommy left work, he was on his way home. A trap was laid for him by his brothers as they already looked at his last will and testament.
In the end, Tommy finally made it to his neighborhood and slowed down after rushing through traffic for what seemed like an eternity.
Having reached the end of his road, he was approaching his father’s house. The passing of time felt like it was going slowly, but he was unaware of what awaited him at home when he returned home.
Their Devious Plan
The brothers were not feeling raw or emotional when he arrived home, but rather smirking and grinning.
When he asked why they were smiling, they told him his father was no longer around to protect him before he was abruptly evicted.
The Car
It didn’t help that they wouldn’t even tell him the contents of the will. He could take his father’s partially finished project in the garage if he wanted something.
In tears, he looked into the garage. Was he the only one who cared about his father? When he saw his father’s project car, he knew what he had to do; he would complete it.
Not Feeling Good
It was still his father’s death that caused him the most pain in spite of everything his brothers had done to him.
A truck had been arranged to transport his car to a new location. His savings allowed him to find a rental property to rent. As he worked on the car, he continued to trudge forward.
A Good Man
The best man Tommy Hawthorne ever knew was his father. The love he had for his three sons was unbeatable. Even though Tommy’s brothers hated him, his father loved him even more after Tommy’s birth.
In addition to Tommy’s birth, tragedy also struck that day. The experience would never be forgotten by his brothers.
A Terrible Loss
It was a day filled with happiness and darkness at the same time. While Tommy was being delivered, his mother sadly passed away.
It is understandable that his family was devastated. In the midst of his father’s grief, Tommy came into his life and brought him joy.
One Final Gift
“At least she gave me one final gift before leaving his earth.” He told Tommy as he grew up. It was clear that he was the favorite. But two contributing factors meant that his siblings never got along with him.
Because Tommy got most of his father’s attention, his older siblings felt scorned and jealous. Even though they were old enough to look after themselves, they were jealous of the baby.
Another Factor
The other factor that made his siblings despise him so much as they blamed him for his mother’s death. It could never have been his fault, yet that was the reason they didn’t like him.
But there were other questions on his mind that weren’t even related to his brothers. He wondered why his father left him the car, specifically if the will was to be believed.
Keeping The House
His brothers told him they were keeping the house and most of the assets. They said that Tommy was getting the car in the garage, and that was it.
It really did confuse him. Were they lying, or did his father really leave him so little? Why would his father leave everything else to his siblings? But the truth would have tears streaming down his face.
Growing Up Accomplished
Tommy recalled his childhood with his family growing up. He remembered his brothers always getting into trouble with their school or with their dad. He was the only one that had ambition.
To call his siblings problem children was an understatement. They never seemed to take their education or lives very seriously. Then he remembered the biggest disappointment his brother had made to his father.
Dropping Out
Tommy recalled his brothers dropping out of high school to stay home instead of working hard. They decided to fall back on their father’s money. He was a wealthy writer that begrudgingly provided for them all.
What other choice did he have when they were his sons? But Tommy was different to them.